So...I'm back. It's been brought to my attention (this is for you Gina!) that it's been a few days (weeks perhaps) since I've posted anything, but well, I just really haven't felt like hearing my own voice (or reading my own words as it were). Plus - my mom always taught me that "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything nice at all". That being I go!
The past few weeks have been quite rough in the Johnson household. There have been tantruns galore. And no, that's not a typo. "Tantrun" is my new word for the tantrum that is done while on the run! Most parenting books will instruct helpless parents to ignore a knock-down drag-out tantrum, and at times that means one must walk into another room. That, of course, means the tantrumer loses his/her audience and thus must follow the tantrumee, and typically at a quick pace! We have also been subjected to endless whining, outright disobedience, disrespect and talking back. I know, I know. Welcome to parenthood! :( We have had several nights where Nicky has gone to bed without any books, while screaming and crying with either Kris, myself, or both of us sitting outside his room wondering "why is this happening?!" Of course, once we stopped wondering "why" and started to realize "it is what it is, and he's 3, so just deal with it because you're the parent and it's your job", well, it got a little better. We formed a plan, we're on each other's side and we're sticking to it. No more chances and Nicky's learning that there are consequences to his actions! Who knew?! These books I'm reading actually do have some good advice and it's working!!! Yeah!!! There is some light at the end of the tunnel and I can now go back to writing about good things! :)
However...there is one last thing. I went to pick Nicky up from school yesterday and saw the dreaded "incident report" hanging from his clip by the sign-in/out sheet. I figured he had been bitten again (this one little girl really really likes him!) Boy was I wrong...
Apparently Nicky was pushing a car thingy outside on the playground at school and he fell...on his face!!! OWIE!!! :( His teachers said he handled it like a champ and was more upset by the cold ice that they applied after he fell, than the actual incident itself! The little fella hanging out with Nicky is "Jack Bunny" - he's taken over for Mr Frog as Nicky's trusty sidekick...he hasn't put him down since Easter! Newsflash...I am the mother of a little boy and I am learning all too well that these types of incidents are to be expected! Poor little guy! :( If its not one thing, its I said...welcome to parenthood!