We are a married couple who adopted our little Russky, Nikita {aka Nicky, Nicky noodle, little man, Nikoli, the Nickster, crazy dude, goofball, puppy love, etc...you get the picture!} from St Petersburg, Russia four years ago. Join us as we stumble through the joys and perils of parenthood, while our son teaches us a few things along the road...
Who needs toys...
...when you can play in a tote bag?!
I bought this tote from Land's End, thinking we could haul Nick's toys, clothes and whatnot around in a stylish manner when we went on trips. I used the sizing tool on the website, which estimated I would need a size large...it looked neither too big, nor too small on the model in the picture online. Well, when I received the bag I found that it is much larger than expected, and their description for the large size should read: large enough to tote around an above average-sized 3 year old. Nicky got a kick out of it, and for the rest of the evening as we moved from room to room in the house he would ask "bag coming?". And we spend money on toys why?!?

Singing in the Rain

We've had quite a bit of rain over the past few weeks here in North TX, turning our streets into what resembles the canals of Venice. One evening as Nicky and I navigated our way home in our gondola - er, car - we talked about the pouring rain and the thunder booming from above. We could barely see out the windshield, and the wipers worked overtime to keep our view of the roads clear. Massive amounts of rain splashed up against the passenger side (the side where Nicky's carseat sits), throwing even more water onto the car. Nicky announced "I ot scared", from the backseat while vigorously shaking his head from side to side. He's recently become more frightened of thunderstorms (I don't blame him) and such things as shadows in the night. I tried to make things fun and told him to pretend we were in a boat as we turned down our alley - little did I know that we would be floating our way to the house. I was only driving about 7 miles an hour, and water sloshed up on both sides of the car in huge waves. Nicky became very excited and yelled "what dat?!". I sped up ever so slightly; enough to make a bit more of a wave and all I heard from the back was "again momma! again!". He had forgotten all about the scariness of the storm and had a big grin on his face. We pulled into the garage, and when he got out of the car, he walked to the back to see the rain rushing out of the gutters, down the driveway, into the alley. Just then, a huge clap of thunder sounded and sent Nicky running to hide behind my legs! Not wanting him to develop more of a fear, I took him to the edge of the garage and I stuck my hand out just far enough to be able to fill it up with rainwater, which I promptly splashed at Nicky while laughing. He giggled and said "my turn!". I remembered how much I loved playing in the rain as a kid and I figured, "why not?".
So, I let Nicky stand further out from the garage, playing in the rain and the water rushing from the gutters. We sang songs and he laughed, squealed, and jumped with joy as he was soaked with the rain. This kid loves to play in the water, and although the thunder continued to rumble overhead, he realized he was safe and that storms could actually be fun!

San Antonio Fun
The Johnson's made the trek down the frustrating hwy 35 to San Antonio for the Labor Day weekend to see Nana and Pop. Unlike our trip down there last year, this one only took 4 1/2 hours and Nicky was more interested in the new movies on his dvd player than screaming at the trucks that passed by - thank goodness!
Our 1st stop on the San Antonio activity train was Friday morning/afternoon at Sea World. Nicky loves him some animals, so this was right up his alley.
He fed the dolphins...
The ducks...
And the sea lions & seals.
I think it would be safe to say that his favorite part was riding his first roller coaster. He rode it twice, saying "again!" after each time. I think we have a daredevil on our hands! 
We continued the fun on Saturday with a trip to the San Antonio River Walk for dinner and a river cruise. 
If you've never done so before, I actually recommend checking it out...it was pretty amusing! I grew up in San Antonio, so I've made quite a few trips down the River Walk in my time. Nicky was very excited for the boat ride and it managed to hold his attention for almost the entire duration - thank goodness we went at night so he could see everthing all lit up. That boy loves lights!
Our 3rd attraction on the San Antonio express was riding the San Antonio Zoo Train.
This was another activity in which I frequently partook as a young girl. The train meanders through Brackenridge Park, which sadly, has seen better days. Due to the drought, everything was pretty dead and threadbare. Nicky was so excited to finally ride a "choo choo"!
After the "choo choo" ride, we had a picnic lunch and played at the playground. 
That evening, we celebrated Pop's birthday, and the extended family joined in for the ballyhoo. Here's a pic of Momma, Nicky and Great Granny (aka GG)...
Nicky helped Pop open his presents, but since he hadn't pooped that day, he couldn't keep his pants snapped! Every time he bent over, they would pop open; he would ask Kris for help; then would start the process all over again (at least 5 times in a row while opening 1 present!) - quite comical to say the least!
Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end, and we sadly hugged & kissed our good-byes. It was fun to be a tourist in the city in which I was raised; it was only made better by sharing it with my husband and son!
"I like shower"
"I Watch Baketball Momma!"
New Playroom
Back to School
Of course, along with going to a school with his peers, and learning new things, also comes the things we do not like. Like him looking at food that he's otherwise always enjoyed and saying "I n like that." (for some reason he doesn't say the word "not" - he'll just use the sound of the letter "n" as a placeholder. kinda confusing at times because we can't tell if he's saying he does or does not like something!); or rolling his eyes when we ask him to do something, or worse - mimicking us! He's also started to play like the other kids - why is throwing yourself on the floor/bed/couch/whatever's there and then moaning and groaning for "help" a fun game? Can someone explain that one to me?! I walked in his class the other day and while the kids were dancing around, all the boys were flopping around on the floor like little fishes! What's that?! Oh well...I guess we've gotta take the good with the bad. After all, he can (most of the time) go to the bathroom all on his own (yay!); he's learning to recognize shapes and letters of the alphabet; and his conversation style is improving! Our little baby is growing up so fast! (sniff sniff)
4 Fabulous Years and Counting!
One year ago today, Nicky became a US citizen...in nothing but a windbreaker, diaper and tennis shoes no doubt! Poor Kris - I'll never forget the look on his face as he carried our nekked kid down the aisle on the airplane! I can't believe it's been a year since we made that 24 hour trek home with a little Russky we knew nothing about. Looking back, this year seems to have flown by; at times though, it felt as if the next day would never arrive. We've definitely learned a lot as parents. First and foremost, NEVER leave home without a change of clothes...you never know when your child will explode. Second, it's ok to make mistakes...we've made plenty in our first year as "grown-ups", but we've learned from them and moved forward. I find it so interesting that we're the parents, yet Nicky seems to be the one teaching us more about ourselves than we would have ever known without him in our lives. One such thing is to believe. Believe that anything's possible. Believe that your love does blossom for a child over a year's time, more so than one might have ever thought possible.
Believe that tomorrow is always a new day; a new beginning. Which brings us to today. Nicky, Momma, Daddy and Nana visited the San Antonio Sea World - quite a different experience than this same day last year I assure you.
As I sat and stared at Nicky watching and enjoying the Shamu "Believe" show, my eyes welled up with tears and I got a huge lump in my throat. The abundance of emotions from this past year were suddenly rushing over me all at once. I couldn't believe that we had made it through the year - all of us still in one piece; still together; still in love.
I will be the first to tell you that I've had a hard time with the challenges that being a parent can pose. Add to that a child that is struggling with a speech delay, is strong-willed, and most of all dealing with a complete life change, and you have the potential for disaster! Instead, we've grown closer as a family and I now believe that if you work hard enough and want something badly enough, then you can have it all. I believe that this is what my life was supposed to be and I believe that we will continue to learn from each other and grow closer together. Cheesy, but true, if you Believe then anything can happen. 
Nicky's 1st Baseball Game
Last night we took Nicky to his first baseball game. Unfortunately, it was not that of the mighty StL Cardinals, as Momma would have preferred, but that of the wimpy TX Rangers. They showed their true colors by losing to the Toronto Bluejays; 18-10. I know that I now live in Texas, therefore I should show my support for the local teams. But, I simply cannot bring myself to follow a team which is less than exemplary. What can I say...I'm a mid-western girl at heart! Our tickets were free (the best kind), and the seats couldn't have been better for Nicky's first experience...we were 16 rows up from the Rangers dugout! Luckily for Kris and I, Nicky seemed to really enjoy watching the game from the upper deck...where he will most-definitely be watching all future games if it's on our dime. Of course, we could always raid his piggy bank to foot the bill next time. :)
Nicky waiting to catch a foul ball
Several juice boxes, yummy cotton candy, a tour of the ballpark by Daddy and Nicky, lots of cheering, and two big poops (both by the young Mr Nicky - Daddy said they were so loud, that grown men in the bathroom couldn't keep from giggling like school girls!) later, we left the ballpark with smiles on our faces. Despite the Rangers' loss, a good time was had by all. It just goes to show that it's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. In our case, good company and a beautiful night together was all we needed.
Nicky, Momma, Daddy & Gina heading home
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