We are a married couple who adopted our little Russky, Nikita {aka Nicky, Nicky noodle, little man, Nikoli, the Nickster, crazy dude, goofball, puppy love, etc...you get the picture!} from St Petersburg, Russia four years ago. Join us as we stumble through the joys and perils of parenthood, while our son teaches us a few things along the road...


"I Watch Baketball Momma!"

This past Sunday marked the beginning of Kris' favorite time of year - football season - or more appropriately titled "Fantasy Football Season". He is not hyped about any one team over the other, unless that particular team playing happens to have his Quarterback, or Defense, or Running Back, or...you get the picture. I find that it's a rather ADD way of watching football. It makes it next to impossible for him to watch Sunday Football at home, because he might have players playing on several different teams at the same time. So, unless we happen to install multiple big-screens all over our family room (so not gonna happen - don't even think about it husband!), he is resigned to venturing to a local watering hole with his friends for some camaraderie and trash-talking. Like a good husband, he returns home just in time for dinner. Since football doesn't stop to eat, Kris decided to continue his viewing pleasure, and what would be better than to add some father-son bonding time to boot?! As the two snuggled up on the couch (while I cooked dinner), watching the men in too-tight pants throwing around the pigskin, Nicky excitedly announced to me "I watch baketball Momma!" (he can't say the "s"). Even after correcting him, he continued to give me updates: "man throw baketball!"; "man catch baketball!" I guess we now know his favorite sport! Sorry husband, I know your dreams of mindlessly watching football with your son have been crushed for the moment. But - it could be worse - he could like jai alai or even worse - ballet!

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