We are a married couple who adopted our little Russky, Nikita {aka Nicky, Nicky noodle, little man, Nikoli, the Nickster, crazy dude, goofball, puppy love, etc...you get the picture!} from St Petersburg, Russia four years ago. Join us as we stumble through the joys and perils of parenthood, while our son teaches us a few things along the road...


"Daddy Downstairs"

Well, I'm happy to announce that Momma finally got her day (or at least evening) of being the favorite parent!!! Of course, it took Nicky having a tummy ache to get to that point, but hey...I'll take it! Usually the day after Kris works at the fire station, Nicky is all about him...so happy to see him after Kris' 24 hour absence. Last night, after dinner, I took Nicky upstairs to start his bath while Daddy did the dishes (such a good boy!). Daddy came up to finish the bath, giving Momma some quiet time. During the nightly ritual, Nicky started full-on crying (not just his typical whining that is oh so enjoyable), and said his belly was "owie". Kris put him on the potty, however, he still continued to cry & actually asked for Momma! So, I went upstairs and Nicky was all over me - hugs, kisses, more hugs. I proceeded to help him put on his jammies and then told him he could get some books for Daddy to read. To this, Nicky replied "Momma books." He further expanded on this by telling Kris "Daddy downstairs!", and pushed Kris out the door! Kris and I were both amazed & Kris finally got a taste of the secondhand parent syndrome I usually feel! Don't get me wrong, I don't want Kris to have his feelings hurt, but it's nice to be on the favorite list for a change. I guess what everyone has told me is true - kids always want their Momma's when they're hurt or not feeling well!

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