We are a married couple who adopted our little Russky, Nikita {aka Nicky, Nicky noodle, little man, Nikoli, the Nickster, crazy dude, goofball, puppy love, etc...you get the picture!} from St Petersburg, Russia four years ago. Join us as we stumble through the joys and perils of parenthood, while our son teaches us a few things along the road...


Backyard Fun

Since we don't have an underground pool in our backyard (which is really a must-have for summers in Texas), I decided to go out and get us an old-school, ghetto-fabulous, blow-up pool that would be fun for all the Johnson's! I couldn't believe how many choices there were at our Darget (Target in Nicky-speak). They had ones with jungle scenes and attached elephant slides; ocean themed with a whale slide; super-duper slides with small pool area; splash-tastic ones with all kinds of squirters; rectangle ones; round ones; blue or green; you name it! I went with your typical, garden variety round one - color: green; special features: cup holders (for water or lemonade, of course), and a built-in bench seat thingy. Not too shabby for $29.99 (sidebar - I just love that stores make things one cent less than the next dollar amount so that, in this case, the item can be "under $30!" - like saving one penny really enticed me into buying this particular one! In reality, the cup holder part is what sold me!). Anyway - Nicky's Granny and Poppa also brought us one of the splash-tastic variety of "pools", therefore, we really needed something we could all float around in, and something that Momma could lounge in during nap times! Nicky is still undecided about the splash-tastic pool, but he loved that the turtle from that one was removable and brought it into the "big pool" with us. Here are some pictures of our fun this past Sunday...
snack time al fresco...
checking it all out...
testing the waters...

turtle time!
where the heck is all this water coming from?!Nicky & Daddy chillin' in the ghetto-fabulous pool...jumping Nicky...

Nicky learning that the bottom of the pool is a bit slippery...

Well, we might not have the awesome underground pool of our dreams, but I think this will do for now. Nicky seemed to thoroughly enjoy himself and that's all that matters! Any wagers on how long it takes to bust a hole in this thing?!

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