As far back as I can remember (meaning back to the days when I was just a wee little tyke) I've had poo (aka "ocaccalo" in Russky-Nicky speak) issues, and like Nicky, was subjected to the random testing of said poo by military doctor after military doctor - all without ever finding any solid (LOL! love me a good pun!) medical diagnosis to explain my "issues". Either I go, or I don't go. This changes on a daily basis, and can be quite frustrating, not to mention uncomfortable at times! Now that I'm older, I've developed more of an obsession with poo. I find that I tend to talk pretty freely about it (hence this, and previous blogs), and have spoken to enough females to realize that most women understand where I'm coming from in this department. I mean seriously - why is it that a man can have his morning coffee and all is right with his GI system for the rest of the day?! Yet I take laxatives, stool softeners, enemas, fiber supplements, and colon cleansers and can still go weeks without being regular? So not fair - darn you Eve and your having to eat that silly forbidden apple! I'm so obsessed at this point that I regale poor Kris with stories and descriptions of the types of poo I experience - whether it was a successful trip to the potty; amount; shape; effort involved; NOT right! I'm telling you - I've got issues!!!
Well, it's no wonder that we've ended up with a child that has poo issues as well...he fits right in! We've been home 9 months now, and to this day, he's only had 2 semi-solid poo's. The good news is I've figured out his "timing" so instead of the morning clean-up shower, we put him on the potty (for no less than 15 minutes) and he does his thing. The bad news is, it's still chronic, explosive diarrhea (at times it even frightens the little guy during the process), and about every second day we're experiencing "2 a day's"! Blech!!! In fact, the night before we left for St Louis is when this new enjoyment began - and just so happened to occur in the bath tub - with Nicky "hiding" it under his floaty toys, and Momma freaking out over how to deal with the situation (sidebar...Daddy's always at the fire station when these fun things happen...grrrr!)! His GI Doctor, after all the invasive testing a few months back, told us we should re-examine the situation if (after a given period of time) we were still experiencing these issues, so I'm guessing with it getting more progressive we'll be revisiting the "Assman" (gotta love Seinfeld!) at some point in the future. Ah - the joys of parenthood...they just keep on comin'!
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