We are a married couple who adopted our little Russky, Nikita {aka Nicky, Nicky noodle, little man, Nikoli, the Nickster, crazy dude, goofball, puppy love, etc...you get the picture!} from St Petersburg, Russia four years ago. Join us as we stumble through the joys and perils of parenthood, while our son teaches us a few things along the road...


Merry (belated) Christmas!

Daddy worked on Christmas Eve and Day this year, so our celebrating was a little delayed.  It's so weird.  I know that technically, Christmas Day is just any other day of the week, but when you don't celebrate the holiday on that day, while the rest of the Christian world is, it's kind of odd and it made me feel a little wonky.  Nicky and I drove to San Antonio to spend the holiday with Nana and Pop on Christmas Eve, and Daddy flew down to join us on the 26th.  Nicky got to spend quality time with his Pop playing and watching tv...

...hanging out with his favorite playmate GG... 

...and making cookies with his Nana.

The extended Mills bunch got together on the 26th after Daddy's and Uncle Brent's (with Brended and Emily in tow) arrival.  Nicky was so excited to see his cousins that he couldn't wait to play. 

We all ate way too much...Erica - those little cheese/onion tart things were to die for!...here's Nicky enjoying some pickled okra...what 3 1/2 year old eats that?!

And then opened our presents...thanks to all for the fun gifts!  (Aunt Marsha - the new tiger, "Lenny", is Nicky's new go-to baby!)

The next morning, Santa visited Nana and Pop's house and we got up to check our stockings. 

After the present-opening frenzy...

...we had a yummy breakfast (thanks Nana!) and then got busy preparing for Old Nana's birthday party. 

We gave Emily a few "Polly Pocket" dolls and Nicky and Brenden enjoyed them just as much as she did!  Nicky got a barn and tractor from Nana and Pop and that Polly Pocket was right at home down on the farm!  Nicky was so enamored with her I told Daddy I was going to give Nicky a Polly Pocket set, dress him in a pink shirt (Daddy's least favorite color) and bring him up to the fire station for a visit...that didn't go over so well - but you bet I will take a TON of pictures if I ever get into a spiteful mood! :)

I think it's safe to say that Nicky loves spending time with his cousins...here's a pic of him cuddling up on the couch with Emily. 

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!  (not bad - only 2 weeks late posting this...oh well...at least I got my Christmas cards sent out on time!)

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